The Strongest Characters In The World Are Obsessed With Me

  • Comedy Fantasy Isekai Romance Shoujo
  • Other names: 세계관 최강자들이 내게 집착한다 ; Segyegwan Choegangjadeuri Naege Jipchakanda ; The Most Powerful Characters in the World Are Obsessed With Me ; Les personnages les plus forts du monde sont obsédés par moi! ; Os personagens mais fortes do mundo estão obcecados por mim ; ¡Los personajes más fuertes del mundo están obsesionados conmigo! ; قدرتمندترین شخصیت های دنیا بهم وسواس دارن ; 乙女ゲームの最強キャラたちが私に執着する ; 世界最强者执着于我 ; 世界最强者们都为我倾倒 ; Orang terkuat di dunia terobsesi padaku
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  • Total Chapter: 0
  • Status: Completed
  • Users Bookmarked This: 0
  • Views: 2,263

One day, when a thirteen year old was chewing on some bread that came out as a snack, Dahlia Pesteros suddenly remembered her past life. This was the world of the tragic otome game where the characters went crazy, and she was born as the person who would become the greatest villain in the future's younger sister! At this rate, there was no answer. The household would be exterminated, and I would also get my head cut off. That's why I have to get out of this household as fast as possible! 'I have to make him put his guard down and escape!' It was going well up until I got rid of the relative who was aiming for the household, the snake-like Emperor, and got Brother's approval, but-"I want to dance with Dahlia. What's the problem?""Unfortunately, my younger sister is shy.""I said that I like Dahlia the most!"Somehow, I've tamed my brother too much, and the strongest characters in the world are obsessed with me!---(



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