Ginga Patrol Jako

  • Sci-fi Shounen
  • Other names: 銀河パトロールジャコ ; Galactic Patrol Jako ; Jaco the Galactic Patrolman
  • Author(s):
  • Total Chapter: 12
  • Status: Completed
  • Users Bookmarked This: 0
  • Views: 26

The story takes place on a island with no people to live on it expect one man named Oomori. While he was trying to sleep one night, a little spaceship landed in the water by his island. It appeared to be an alien named Jako. Jako's spaceship is broken so he has to stay there until it is fixed. He says he as come to Earth to learn of it's ways. And Oomori doesn't like people but decided to help him.


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